2024년 7월 10일 수요일

Carrier of the disease called image


Think about the act of picking up a camera and taking a photo or video when you see something that goes against social norms, and sharing it with others. One of the characteristics of photography is that the photographer absorbs all the signs of the subject and makes them his or her own trophy. If we think about this, we can't just say that we were lucky and "caught" the sight of a dead animal on the side of the road or a celebrity getting out of a car with his or her lover.

Now people carry their foul cards in social situations. This card reflects the psychology of an individual who believes that he or she can demand rights because he or she is following the basic norms of the society in which he or she lives. When someone is assumed to have done something that could be captured by a foul card, that is, a cell phone camera, the person who took the picture has power in social situations. This power is a power granted by society and a characteristic power of the medium called photography.

At this time, those who have power and have produced images of those who go against the norm share those images with others, which becomes an act of reconfirming the norms among them. The crimes in the images should have been excluded from society in the name of eradication as an external phenomenon, but they have existed since the photograph was taken. It is the moment when an act that exists phenomenally becomes an unclean substance. Transferring this is like transferring a germ. We exist as carriers of this social disease and have bodies that transfer the germs.

A human being who gives all his power to a foul card called a phone camera with such a weak body feels that the power has fallen into his hands. That is the power of photography. Also, he shares images with people and mocks and terrifies them. That is the power as a human being belonging to the social order. What kind of disease are we suffering from because these two powers are in conflict? What kind of choice do images such as photographs and videos and foreign substances suggest to us? This is a question we must think about.

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