2024년 7월 10일 수요일

GTA 5 , 2013


Let us consider how the inner implications are damaged when the outer appearance of a statue is destroyed, excluding the aura of the real person who is thought to exist in the world of ideas. The question is whether the problem as due to the outer appearance of the statue or to the implications of the statue.

The problem with hitting a polygonal mass that resembles a human in a game being seen as violent is that we are roasting human-like dough to eat. We roast dead meat. We find it disgusting to see a picture of fried shrimp falling into oil and feel sympathy for them, so why do we think hitting a polygonal mass that resembles a human is bad?

Are all these psychological factors that occurred because they are objects that resemble human form? Libido is a psychoanalytic term that generally refers to the spontaneous mental energy that an individual experiences during the process of personal development or individuation. In this context, libido refers to the mental energy that a person inherently possesses in psychology.

Libido has been divided into dopamine and endorphins in modern times. Do you think that the hormones that act on our brain are us? Do you let them control you? Of course you are you. You are not a brain that is locked in a box and survives on electricity as food.

Then I would like to ask you again. Why should your separate body listen to your commands and obey when you hit it? Because it is just a polygon and not alive? It clearly has a human form. Judging from your actions, there is no human dignity in an object that has a human form.

The thought that exists within the perception of the object looking at it makes them real. What do you think of when you see a tree? Some people think of apples, and others think of fruits, results, and purposes. Some people think of leaves, and others think of the cycle and emptiness caused by their falling. Even though a tree is just a tree.

Objects without human dignity acquire bodies. The materialization of a material that has been psychologically influenced by humans blurs the distinction between reality and fiction. Therefore, objects that resemble human qualities are realized as real entities in human perception and act as media that operate in reality, causing psychological changes in humans who look at them.

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