2024년 7월 10일 수요일

Me? Cyber Trailer Park White Trash Underdog


I've been doing dangerous things in the hip-hop underground since I was 13. What kind of work would be given to a girl like me? Nothing but cleaning. That's when I realized. Even if there's a day when I go all the way up and fall, I'll go all the way up and die. That's my wish and my late mother's (hip-hop gangster) wish!

That's when I started doing tumblers. They were my hood, my mother, and my proud partner. We used to burn drums to beat the cold. I was surprised by some of the canvases I saw then. I didn't even learn my "Hood," but the ones I learned were making stuff! "WHY ARE YOU 버리다 you're ART work?" The answer was that his paintings would be stigmatized when he was a hood. Ironically, I thought this was a mainstreamed one.

The thing that always consoled me every time

Communication between computer and me

The texture is great to the touch

[ 10 years of life with tumblr ]

I have been using Tumblr since 2013. As a broke high school student, I wanted a lot of things, but I couldn’t afford them with my monthly allowance of about 50,000 won. The next best thing I did was to find images on Tumblr and have the images of those items. The images didn’t betray me. I learned how to classify them and archived them, and I even created my own exhibition space.

*Exhibition space -> https://for-ma-diegnity.tumblr.com *

I thought about this psychology and thought about it a bit.. Let's draw a triangle and draw a line on it. The part above the line is the peak of taste and the part below it is the public. Taste is changing into something that anyone can enjoy. Even if it's a pretty fictitious object and what's behind it is a garbage dump.

They want to get to the top and start to blend in with the high class people who have minor tastes - I don't know if there are people who like minor tastes. Like movies or music. Do you feel pride in that? I used to be like that. What would you think if the music you listen to became popular? It would be annoying. And you would leave the things you love. (scratch)

We are Anonymous.

We are Legion.

We do not forgive.

We do not forget.

Expect us!

The way I find images is different from the recent method of algorithmically feeding images. Digging is about following someone, connecting with them, and then going to someone else's tumblr to find images that you like. Images that people I follow like (or want to be seen like) flow into my feed. It's my choice, and even if images I don't like decorate my feed, it's my choice.

But what about today's algorithmic image viewing systems like Pinterest? When you enter a keyword to search for an image, it categorizes the image by similar colors, composition, age group, time zone, etc. and puts the person who searched in the right place for the next person. In this process,

  1. Humans who view the feed see a list of images unilaterally organized by an agent called an algorithm. At this time, humans perceive that the images they have been injected will be to their taste. The process of general proxy trust without the process of bonding and exploration raises the issue of human freedom and dependence.

  2. In order to refine the algorithm for the next selection, the previous human actions are digitized. At this time, the digitized information erases the individual's choice and will to act. What remains for the human who has become data is the fear of alienation and the erasure of the self due to not becoming data.

Currently, there is a decentralization/de-algorithm SNS movement happening all over the world. In Korea, Tumblr is used to look at 'hot pictures', and only a few people use it to write emotional articles and diaries. This means that Tumblr is still a wasteland in Korea.

The thought suddenly occurred to me that this is the nature and cycle of human history, with people leaving to find new lands in search of freedom and only a minority remaining in the wasteland to lead a nomadic life.

1. The era of cyber technology AI that lives with the whole body

    2. Humans are gradually becoming slaves to technology.

    3. Human instincts are no different from the past.


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