2024년 7월 10일 수요일

Blue Fish Core Hipster Street Friend


A lot of interference comes to me on the waves of love. These electronic attacks envy the writings I write. (Why? I'm a fucking idiot.) I guess fucking idiots know what's cool. This is the core. This world has been divided from trends to cores. Why? Guess what~ It means that you guys have finally escaped from habitus or the world is pretending to.

Instagram, one of the main culprits of modern habitus prometheus, divides the photo set into two categories: profile and feed, and helps establish a virtual self-identity from the individual through injection and diffusion. At this time, the individual's profile is an artificial entity created by collecting only the ideal image of the individual and carving out time and space. These profiles are trading cards that convert the value of oneself and the other in the other's perception and give them a comparative advantage.

Meta could turn Instagram into a metaverse world like Roblox. Of course, the upside to all this apocalypse is that instead of tracking a person's location, they now have to count the time and money spent on a single photo of a person's dreams.

For example, let's say a girl took a picture of herself in the lounge pool to show off her outstanding appearance on Instagram. At that time, half of the effort and time she worked at McDonald's was spent on that one picture. Her 1 hour is 2/3 of 30 days (including expensive champagne and swimsuits). Radical capitalists, is this the right world? Photos are a dangerous and mysterious medium. At the point when photos are now becoming images, Instagram is playing a very scary role.

Mr. Mark Zuckerberg please took my writing

Please increase the meta value

Let's look at the two photos? Um... images? above. One is a painting and the other is a sculpture. But did they become photographs because they were taken? Or are they paintings and sculptures? The Internet is a strange place. It arbitrarily turns all kinds of material into pieces of data.

Does the first canvas covered with a curtain remind you of Lacan? This photo!? This image!? It becomes a byte the moment it enters the www? What about the second image? The implication of the cute sculpture with four eyes could be woven with an electronic signature that Hegel and Heidegger could not understand. That space is the web.

Back to the main topic, in this space, images (or photos) are produced, and individuals who display their selves on Instagram (still a large number of them) are the subjects of production, and they are image production machines. When they manipulate time and space to limit the natural intentions of their bodies, all that remains are the movements they pronounce.

At this point, what should we do first to liberate their limited bodies from images? Of course, we should start by resolving the income gap and statistics on luxury goods. However, this is a problem for the state and institutions, and it is not a problem that we can solve right away. The causality between images and bodies has stopped at a level where they can still be separated, and the current generation is a generation that can declare itself as an image producer with its own will.

In these times, we cannot leave the liberation of habitus to Instagram alone. If so, in the current situation where we are like mice and hamsters, rolling on a wheel to produce images and help develop artificial intelligence for large corporations, what we must do first is to produce and distribute healthy images. When the gap between what we believe and the actual reality appears as a symptom or incites excessive competition, then there is something we can do.

  1. Maintain the status quo by facing reality as it is and cropping the image.

  2. Since consumption and the images posted on Instagram are directly connected, let's observe the core driving forces that encourage consumption and criticize them in the right direction or in a direction that is psychologically beneficial.

  3. The subject of consumption is oneself with an inherent will. The items selected by the algorithm are virtual illusions created by my clicks. It is up to my judgment whether I recognize them as something I really need or not.

I am not a robot. It is time to know why this one sentence is scary. We live in a time when we have to check that we are not robots by being born as humans. I respect Yuk, please be born as a robot in your next life .

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