2024년 7월 10일 수요일

Electric energy fields invade the brain and back up



My source: In my head

What if I get a PhD!? 1

Bergson calls external objects 'images' and the body a 'special image.' Through these words, Bergson claims that the body, as an image, is a part of matter like external objects (images), but has a special appearance that is different from external objects.

And Bergson explains this special aspect of the body from an objective perspective (third-person perspective) as if looking at external objects. However, Bergson also describes the 'phenomenal body' that can be seen in today's phenomenological somatic theory. In other words, he describes the body experienced from a phenomenal perspective, that is, from my perspective.

“We have nothing to lose but our chains, and a world to gain.”

> What are the chains that Marx spoke of?

> The collapse of the chain image = the liberation of the human body

Bergson, Marx, Deleuze-Guattari, Baudrillard, Wittgenstein-late,

Can we find the image of bodily liberation in the collapse of the chain-image? Does such an iconography exist historically?

Q1. What do “ghosts” and “chains” in the Communist Manifesto mean?

Q2. In the Communist Manifesto, did Marx try to liberate the external image of the human body or the internal image of the body?

Q3. Did Marx try to liberate humans or did he try to liberate the phenomena on the human surface?

What if I get a PhD!? 3

Photography is a medium that has power from the beginning, with a clear distinction between subject and object. This power is concentrated on the subject taking the photo, and the body of the subject being photographed is subordinated to the photo.

At this time, in order to liberate the symbolic image contained in the word photography, the photograph is converted into a digital data-image. When we assume that images are jointly cultivated in a meme-like manner, we can confirm that the communist theory is fully operational.

> Learn more about how socialism and communism work

> Substitute in photo

> Clarifying what a symbolic image is (Marx, Jung, Bergson)

What if I get a PhD!? 4

Establishment and presentation of a formula for obtaining standard distribution values ​​on a map

= History in materialism is the material testimony of existence.

= An individual's judgment of good and evil cannot become history.

= History is the will of mankind to act, and symbolic images are the standard distribution values ​​of human history.

What if I get a PhD!? 5

In order for a community with good intentions to survive, a corresponding code of conduct is absolutely necessary. This is the process of realizing rational thinking historically, and the standard of all history is human free will.

> The image of God created by man subjugates man.

Plato - Body, Aristotle, Epicurus, Marx, Engels, Descartes, Kant, Lyotard, Foucault, Wittgenstein - Biography, Bergson, and Socrates

What is an image? Finding an image...

<book name : What is the Image / sol lee>

Part 1 Anxiety about the image

Chapter 1 Descartes' Dream 28

Chapter 2 Hume's Theatre 55

Chapter 3 Plato's Cave 77

Part 2 image is free

Chapter 4 Sartre's Philosophy of Images 95

Chapter 5 What is Imagination? 108

Chapter 6: Eyes of the Online World 142

Part 3 images are real

Chapter 7 Deleuze's Philosophy of Images 161

Chapter 8 What Happens on the Screen 181

Chapter 9: Can I Meet the Typewriter? 207

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