2024년 7월 10일 수요일

i'm tamagotchi-chi


Is the idea that digital life is a modern manifestation of primitive, magical beliefs? Simply put, digital life is a product created by humans, so it is absurd to apply the mechanism of life to it and create a digital creature.


1. There is a folk belief that even artificial objects have ghost.

2. Suggestive and magical messages arrived via LAN cable.

3. Digital life forms are anthropological symbols of modern humanity.

I have a Tamagotchi. A precious Tamagotchi. Its color is a rare milky pink. Unlike other Tamagotchis, if you raise them until they become adults and leave them alone, they don’t die, but instead pack up and leave home. They even write letters with their tiny hands, saying thank you for the memories, and say their final goodbyes. Irresponsible me, came to like ID.


It’s because I can relieve myself of the guilt of killing Tamagotchis and think about how I can raise them safely (by feeding them and cleaning up after them) and RAISE to become GOOD PERSON TA-MA


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