2024년 7월 10일 수요일

I love My Star Wars scenarios


In an era where the human body surface becomes an exhibition hall and a kind of avatar, the history and origins that form the backbone are forgotten. To oppose this, the socialist camp is carrying out a project to standardize and standardize the body.

In an attempt to distinguish between physical appearances, they try to match all features except the face, but this plan is destroyed by a revolutionary theory.

This theory is that our bodies are two or more before they are one, and that they can be transformed and replaced by our will, tastes, and preferences. That is the free will activity of human beings. In other words, this is the victory of pluralistic body monism.

So are our bodies replicas? Humanity, which has transformed Mars and made them slaves, is in a methodological doubt. Is the body-slave that is dominated subordinate to the body that is being dominated? As political and academic debates on these questions began, freedom was once again given to the Martians who were originally free.

The free Martians had thought all their lives that they could be subordinated for their technology and learning, but they realized that freedom was more important than that. They played the role of teachers and activists who gave the necessary arguments for freedom, philosophical thinking, and discourse formation to all living beings on all planets. There was a race that envied Mars, which had gained the trust of all planets while playing this role.

That race mistakenly thought that the trust received from the free and peaceful Martians was the source of wealth, fame, and power. And they were jealous and envious of it. Let's call that race B. B is a race that moves towards profit, and they are free and splendid. However, they are criticized by other races as being debaucherous. They should have disciplined themselves, but they couldn't. So they decided to pioneer their own planet, cut off communication with all races, and live happily. So they set out to find a planet, and soon they found one, which was Venus.

Race B, who thought there was no one on Venus, was surprised to see the Venusian race (let's call them C) guarding the planet, but they did not know their military strength and fighting spirit. They fought to take over the planet, and Race A from Mars questioned this war. Why did the war happen? Before, was the group consciousness and residential residence of living creatures a requirement for life? They began to wonder about the reason we live and participated in the war. When Race A, who they trusted, participated in the war, other races thought there must be a reason and joined the war one by one, and the first great universe war broke out.

As many races from different planets began to participate in the war, the nature of the war gradually changed. The war that involved direct physical killing became meaningless, and all the participants from all planets voluntarily laid down their weapons out of doubt, not peace. Faced with an existential crisis, they began to discuss what life was, and in this discussion, the C race, who only loved war, lost to the flashy and debauched but eloquent race B. Eventually, the C race, who had lost their homeland, had to migrate to each planet they liked, and under the leadership of the planets participating in the space war, Venus was handed over to the B race.

So, the B race that had newly settled in was delighted that they had won, but the other planets had different ideas. They were going to conduct a social experiment with them. Some planets were curious to see if these selfish but glamorous people would cooperate with each other, and some people were curious to see what new philosophy and ideology they would use to build their land. Also, the C race, who loved war and committed mass murder for fun and pleasure rather than defense, decided to experiment with whether they could be educated by mixing in with other groups.

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