2024년 7월 10일 수요일

00.12.23 Mischief's Lamb Ribs


find it funny that called Mischief's Lamb


  1. Mischief is SUCK

  2. There are people who follow it. (??? Says: Anyway, it's art)

The lady in front of me seems to be preparing to become a Korean cuisine chef. This time, we are in the same ward, but this lady is not walking around cleaning like before.

When she studies, she studies by scratching a special object made of a piece of wood wrapped in cloth on the book. I don't know if she studies. I think the piece of wood is a sacred object and it is a mechanism that allows the words in the book to enter the mind when scratched. pre-brainwashing

This old lady keeps talking to herself, but she talks as if she's talking to someone. It's a bit strange and strange. She sings and talks, and when she gets tired, she falls asleep. It seems like a wonderful and sad life.

Booheehee Hello, Pig. If I do this, you won't know I'm you!? Booheeheehee

I'm starting to get sick of living in the hospital. I can't even eat chicken on Chicken Day, which is once a month (because my dad told me to cancel).

You are in treatment, not in recovery.

Father's words

Um...well...now I'm looking back on my life...I'm playing with life.

What are you doing, life?

Life: Shut up!

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