2024년 7월 10일 수요일

Pigeon, let's eat


There was a drought in the land where the cat grass grew lushly. The cats started chewing our pigeons because they had no grass to eat. Please save them. The pigeon nest is no longer comfortable. Let me introduce myself. I was a librarian in the pigeon world. I picked up papers one by one in the library that had become a garbage dump while crying and kept the writings. Those papers are not trash, so don't throw them away!

After I finish collecting all the papers, I give fresh lettuce leaves to my pet snail. She is still a baby snail. My proud jewel that I found in the garbage dump, she doesn't have a name yet. I will name her when she grows up. I am not irresponsible. I am just



Flying around the internet, I see a lot of information. There were a few pigeons that ate all that information and died with their stomachs bursting. There was a time when I dreamed of becoming like them when I was young (probably when I was listening to Grimes and future funk). Now, my hobby and job is to sneak into the lecture room after class and study by myself. I peck at cookie crumbs while imagining which professor's lecture I attended.

                                           Me sneaking into the classroom

What if someone visits this place?

Welcome. And please save me. Don't litter!

<Me serving food to a guest who has not visited in a long time>

I'm so sorry~!

The sound of a cat making dumplings

Serving hamster footsteps

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