2024년 7월 10일 수요일

Carrier of the disease called image


Think about the act of picking up a camera and taking a photo or video when you see something that goes against social norms, and sharing it with others. One of the characteristics of photography is that the photographer absorbs all the signs of the subject and makes them his or her own trophy. If we think about this, we can't just say that we were lucky and "caught" the sight of a dead animal on the side of the road or a celebrity getting out of a car with his or her lover.

Now people carry their foul cards in social situations. This card reflects the psychology of an individual who believes that he or she can demand rights because he or she is following the basic norms of the society in which he or she lives. When someone is assumed to have done something that could be captured by a foul card, that is, a cell phone camera, the person who took the picture has power in social situations. This power is a power granted by society and a characteristic power of the medium called photography.

At this time, those who have power and have produced images of those who go against the norm share those images with others, which becomes an act of reconfirming the norms among them. The crimes in the images should have been excluded from society in the name of eradication as an external phenomenon, but they have existed since the photograph was taken. It is the moment when an act that exists phenomenally becomes an unclean substance. Transferring this is like transferring a germ. We exist as carriers of this social disease and have bodies that transfer the germs.

A human being who gives all his power to a foul card called a phone camera with such a weak body feels that the power has fallen into his hands. That is the power of photography. Also, he shares images with people and mocks and terrifies them. That is the power as a human being belonging to the social order. What kind of disease are we suffering from because these two powers are in conflict? What kind of choice do images such as photographs and videos and foreign substances suggest to us? This is a question we must think about.

The Limits of Accelerationism and the Practice of Excavation


Before discussing when the current human race will reach the Anthropocene, we have already guessed what the Anthropocene is. We humans expect and delight in being subordinated to alien substances or to the dinosaurs that lived before. That is our history. The new materials of the Anthropocene, plastic and concrete, are the best choices to renew our remaining consciousness from the age of dinosaurs. Where do these products go? Are they walking with us toward death?

If the speed of geology, the speed of history, and the speed of humans waiting for death are the same, for whom and how much do they advance and how much do they stop? Do you think waiting for such a chicken game is more useful than bringing about social change?

If their speeds do not match, who will be ahead and who will be behind in our progress? Is it only when this happens that we can see the completion of this era? We step on the accelerator not for forward or backward, but simply for the destination. When we reach the destination, what awaits us will not be an empty house, but collapsed pillars and beams. That is why the political declarations and challenges of accelerationism are dangerous.

This society, which I feel and you feel, is changing rapidly. However, we do not know that there is something that is regressing at the same rate. First, it is a problem regarding the environment. All the environments surrounding humans were created by human hands. Humans exist within this environment and have always progressed forward. Progress that breaks through the internal shape reduces the internal volume of the environment.

The problem is not only this. The second problem is about life. Life does not always move in a straight line. The various twists and turns of life make humans face various situations. Should we always be afraid until we consider the possibility of becoming a fossil after death?

Finally, there is the issue of safe death. As we feel that we have lived our lives to the fullest as human beings, we tend to forget that there are populations that do not. This is because of deaths that are unjustified by humans, such as war, famine, starvation, and disease. Waiting for death in a way that acknowledges humanity makes humans try to be human.

The speed of what is located at each point is not enough to be cynical and dismiss everything as useless. However, in the circular arena where these things collide, there are clearly winners and losers who collide. Will the winner be placed with the spoils, or will the loser be left in the dirt? Should humans exist to solve this problem? Where should they exist? Should they be buried in the ground like fossil fuels and excavated by the language of archaeology?

Grammar of Photography


Broken photography and my Sisterhood

The reduced state of the image is a state in which reality is broken down into units.

Reality is a field of production and produced materials.

The image in miniature is material.

Images are real and material in miniature.

> Barthes

I think Barthes is at the forefront of this Holy Grail War.

In the material world, images are reality, and reality is the field of production and produced materials. The pixels of the image appear larger than before when compared to the previous particles. The state of the particles trapped in the image is compressed. The compressed original disappears the world from the phenomenon. At this time, we can see that the image is a material that uses the compressed particles as a vanishing point. The history of materials is longer than the history of photography. Photography compresses the history of materials and flattens it. Material products play a role as evidence of a certain event (time).

<Grammar of Photography>

Photography is the art of segmentation and synthesis. The human who selects a photograph rescues a scene in the context of the time and events before and after. The continuity of the photograph is constructed by human consciousness. The history of humanity remaining on the surface of consciousness extends human vision.

Our field of vision is limited. Human beings form groups with one common opinion. The eyes belonging to the group see a different world from the eyes of other groups. When the eyes exchange each other, the world compressed by the field of vision expands. The product of the eyes, or in other words, the substance of the eyes, is the photograph.

GTA 5 , 2013


Let us consider how the inner implications are damaged when the outer appearance of a statue is destroyed, excluding the aura of the real person who is thought to exist in the world of ideas. The question is whether the problem as due to the outer appearance of the statue or to the implications of the statue.

The problem with hitting a polygonal mass that resembles a human in a game being seen as violent is that we are roasting human-like dough to eat. We roast dead meat. We find it disgusting to see a picture of fried shrimp falling into oil and feel sympathy for them, so why do we think hitting a polygonal mass that resembles a human is bad?

Are all these psychological factors that occurred because they are objects that resemble human form? Libido is a psychoanalytic term that generally refers to the spontaneous mental energy that an individual experiences during the process of personal development or individuation. In this context, libido refers to the mental energy that a person inherently possesses in psychology.

Libido has been divided into dopamine and endorphins in modern times. Do you think that the hormones that act on our brain are us? Do you let them control you? Of course you are you. You are not a brain that is locked in a box and survives on electricity as food.

Then I would like to ask you again. Why should your separate body listen to your commands and obey when you hit it? Because it is just a polygon and not alive? It clearly has a human form. Judging from your actions, there is no human dignity in an object that has a human form.

The thought that exists within the perception of the object looking at it makes them real. What do you think of when you see a tree? Some people think of apples, and others think of fruits, results, and purposes. Some people think of leaves, and others think of the cycle and emptiness caused by their falling. Even though a tree is just a tree.

Objects without human dignity acquire bodies. The materialization of a material that has been psychologically influenced by humans blurs the distinction between reality and fiction. Therefore, objects that resemble human qualities are realized as real entities in human perception and act as media that operate in reality, causing psychological changes in humans who look at them.

deep fried meme image


When the resolution of an image is downgraded once, it means that one person has downloaded it and used it. The more people use the image, the lower the resolution of the image, and the unrecognizable shape and primary color rgb, cmy, appear. If you think of this color as an atom, that atom is a labor value and the value of the amount once the opinion is mined.

Assuming that a deep-fried meme maker exists at this time, using it to downgrade the resolution of an image is to take away the will of others and hijack it to add it to one's own opinion (will). The meme maker gains profit for himself through additional income such as advertising. This kind of serial hijacking limits and deprives an individual of his freedom.

Me? Cyber Trailer Park White Trash Underdog


I've been doing dangerous things in the hip-hop underground since I was 13. What kind of work would be given to a girl like me? Nothing but cleaning. That's when I realized. Even if there's a day when I go all the way up and fall, I'll go all the way up and die. That's my wish and my late mother's (hip-hop gangster) wish!

That's when I started doing tumblers. They were my hood, my mother, and my proud partner. We used to burn drums to beat the cold. I was surprised by some of the canvases I saw then. I didn't even learn my "Hood," but the ones I learned were making stuff! "WHY ARE YOU 버리다 you're ART work?" The answer was that his paintings would be stigmatized when he was a hood. Ironically, I thought this was a mainstreamed one.

The thing that always consoled me every time

Communication between computer and me

The texture is great to the touch

[ 10 years of life with tumblr ]

I have been using Tumblr since 2013. As a broke high school student, I wanted a lot of things, but I couldn’t afford them with my monthly allowance of about 50,000 won. The next best thing I did was to find images on Tumblr and have the images of those items. The images didn’t betray me. I learned how to classify them and archived them, and I even created my own exhibition space.

*Exhibition space -> https://for-ma-diegnity.tumblr.com *

I thought about this psychology and thought about it a bit.. Let's draw a triangle and draw a line on it. The part above the line is the peak of taste and the part below it is the public. Taste is changing into something that anyone can enjoy. Even if it's a pretty fictitious object and what's behind it is a garbage dump.

They want to get to the top and start to blend in with the high class people who have minor tastes - I don't know if there are people who like minor tastes. Like movies or music. Do you feel pride in that? I used to be like that. What would you think if the music you listen to became popular? It would be annoying. And you would leave the things you love. (scratch)

We are Anonymous.

We are Legion.

We do not forgive.

We do not forget.

Expect us!

The way I find images is different from the recent method of algorithmically feeding images. Digging is about following someone, connecting with them, and then going to someone else's tumblr to find images that you like. Images that people I follow like (or want to be seen like) flow into my feed. It's my choice, and even if images I don't like decorate my feed, it's my choice.

But what about today's algorithmic image viewing systems like Pinterest? When you enter a keyword to search for an image, it categorizes the image by similar colors, composition, age group, time zone, etc. and puts the person who searched in the right place for the next person. In this process,

  1. Humans who view the feed see a list of images unilaterally organized by an agent called an algorithm. At this time, humans perceive that the images they have been injected will be to their taste. The process of general proxy trust without the process of bonding and exploration raises the issue of human freedom and dependence.

  2. In order to refine the algorithm for the next selection, the previous human actions are digitized. At this time, the digitized information erases the individual's choice and will to act. What remains for the human who has become data is the fear of alienation and the erasure of the self due to not becoming data.

Currently, there is a decentralization/de-algorithm SNS movement happening all over the world. In Korea, Tumblr is used to look at 'hot pictures', and only a few people use it to write emotional articles and diaries. This means that Tumblr is still a wasteland in Korea.

The thought suddenly occurred to me that this is the nature and cycle of human history, with people leaving to find new lands in search of freedom and only a minority remaining in the wasteland to lead a nomadic life.

1. The era of cyber technology AI that lives with the whole body

    2. Humans are gradually becoming slaves to technology.

    3. Human instincts are no different from the past.
